Friday, July 13, 2012

Ensk (Goharu)


Credit Goharu,Garro

The labyrinth of town blocks and the field at the outskirts are divided by narrow passageways between railroads. When concentrating your forces, account for every strength and weakness of the machines regarding threats they may face on their way: artillery may disrupt a charge through an open field, but is practically useless against tanks hiding behinds the buildings.
“Ensk” or “Town N” is a made up town, often used in fiction.

Green dots – heavies or destroyers.
Yellow dots – points of lighting.
Red dots – artillery.
Red areas – hotspots, main combat locations.
Yellow arrows – MT attack directions.
Blue arrows – HT attack directions.

There are 3 main directions that light tanks may follow: through the center, through the town and through the field. The quickest way to cover the distance and light up the enemy lies in a straight line through the center, but this way is also the most dangerous, because the whole zone is exposed and you can get shot easily.
Light tanks going through the field is usually an effective strategy. You’re very likely to make it to the enemy base and light up their artillery, that’s often hiding at the side where the field is.
When moving through the town, light tanks are mainly used to light up enemy heavy tanks. A light like this will allow to evaluate the forces coming this way. If you managed to slip through the town on a light tank, you have a very high chance to locate and destroy enemy artillery.

Destroyers often set ambushes at the Death Pass. However, it’s not possible to hide in the bushes there forever, because the map is very small, therefore destroyers eventually join other battles.
Sometimes, it’s possible to see destroyers, taking positions and defending, spots suitable for that are marked with green dots.

There are two main combat locations on Ensk: inside the town and on the field. Fighting in the center occurs very rarely. Main combat locations are marked with red outlines.

Medium tanks have to directions on Ensk: through the center together with heavy tanks or through the field. The field directions is more popular, as it’s better for quick and maneuverable medium tanks. All movements of medium tanks are marked with yellow arrows on the map.

A Patton starting in the upper base can make the life miserable for his opponents, if he manages to take the spot at D3 (opening in the destroyed building) – it’s easy to light up the artillery, slowly moving from the circle at K1-2, as well as any enemy tanks trying to make their way to the circle. Your team’s artillery will be grateful.
There’s also an interesting railroad maneuver (6th vertical platform along the railway station).
Patton/E-50 can light up the artillery that wasn’t quick enough to escape with a 75% rate of success, plus all the enemy tanks heading for the hangars or to defend their base.
You’re free to do whatever you wish. Using the tank’s maneuverability you can chip away at the enemy base, shoot at the streets on horizontals D and F. And just disrupt enemy movements this way.
Your allies may meanwhile rush the hangars or defend the other railways from enemy tanks.

On this map, artillery is to take place along the borders of the map. The red dots. However, artillery can also be seen acting as a destroyer in the middle of action.

Main combat locations for HTs – town blocks and alleys in between them. Heavy tanks rarely move through the middle or through the field.

Rushing is uncommon on this map, because of its small size, so even if you charge at the enemy base all together, the enemies will easily be able to return back. If you’re rushing, go through the center, since it’s the shortest road. This way you will be able to reach the enemy base in 40 seconds, and then whether you succeed or not will depend on if you can defeat the base’s masters.

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