Monday, July 9, 2012

Cliff (Goharu)


Credit Goharu,Garro

Around one third of the map is inaccessible.
Due to extreme landform drops and the reason mentioned above, most of the job is to be done by HTs and MTs.

Green dots – heavies or destroyers.
Yellow dots – points of lighting.
Red dots – artillery.
Red areas – hotspots, main combat locations.
Yellow arrows – MT attack directions.
Blue arrows – HT attack directions.

There are three paths:
1. The alley, the number one vertical, is a straight road, being the shortest way from one base to the other. Destroyers and HTs hang out there quite often, waiting for someone to come out.

2. The cliff. HTs are a rare sight there, MTs are more common. They have two courses of action: to assist from below or from above, or, more accurately, from the right or left, at the alley or behind the lighthouse. In both cases the tactic is similar, just move in a circle, closing in from both sides.

3. The lighthouse. This is the place where game changing moments often happen, because this is the location where the main forces of the team go, meaning that’s where the top team is.

If you want to rush, go straight up, many heavies can’t get to the plateau quickly, that’s where MTs help. Remember to leave a few HTs on the base, in addition to destroyers and artillery. Lighting is best done by an MT from the plateau, or by an LT through the alley in the beginning of battle.

Point A as a small bonus for base II.
Those who know the map well remember that there’s a tack in the landscape in here – a ridge. This ridge will allow you to keep the enemy forces, moving upwards from their base, constantly lit and shoot them at the most convenient angle.
There’s something for base I too – point B. It’s not as valuable as point A from tactical standpoint, but you can still observe the alley from it very well.

That’s all there is to this map.

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